Welcome to International Pool Girl

Your Pool Solutions Expert

woman floating on body of water
woman floating on body of water
woman standing on the swimming pool near the macarons
woman standing on the swimming pool near the macarons
First of all

Why Choose International Pool Girl?

Choose International Pool Girl for expert pool solutions. With years of experience and trilingual proficiency, Marti is equipped to handle any pool problems you may have. From chemical balancing to pool cleaning, we've got you covered.

Not to mention

Solve Your Pool Problems with International Pool Girl

Get expert help from Marti, a trilingual speaker in English, Spanish, and German, to solve your pool problems. Subscribe to our monthly pool education service and enjoy a clean and healthy pool all year round.

person swimming on marathon
person swimming on marathon
And let's not forget

Stay Informed with International Pool Girl

Learn about the latest pool trends and tips from International Pool Girl. Our educational blog posts cover everything from pool cleaning to chemical balancing. Stay informed and keep your pool crystal clear.

two person on swimming pool
two person on swimming pool

About International Pool Girl

International Pool Girl was founded by Marti to help people worldwide with their pool problems. With trilingual proficiency in English, Spanish, and German, Marti is dedicated to providing expert pool solutions to her clients. Join our pool community and enjoy a clean and healthy pool all year round.

Swim with Confidence

Contact International Pool Girl